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محصولات موجود در شرایط جستجو

مدل: N-60
Cognitive NeuroscienceThe Biology of the MindFifth Edition - 2019Michael S. Gazzaniga | Richard B. Ivry | George R. MangunContentsPART I Background and MethodsPART II Core ProcessesPART III Control Processes  ..
575,000 تومان
مدل: E-N-60
Cognitive Neuroscience E-bookThe Biology of the MindFifth Edition - 2019Michael S. Gazzaniga | Richard B. Ivry | George R. MangunContentsPART I Background and MethodsPART II Core ProcessesPART III Control Processes  ..
50,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: E-PT-94
 جهت مشاهده و خرید کتاب چاپی بر روی عبارت زیر کلیک نمایید: Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists  ..
100,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-1
Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ContentsChapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Background Biophsics And PhysiologyChapter 3: Electrical Stimulation - Currents And ParametersChapter ..
390,000 تومان
ناشر: Wolters Kluwer مدل: N-1
Essential NeuroscienceFourth Edition - 2019Allan Siegel - Hreday N. Sapru:ContentsSection i: Gross Anatomy of the BrainSection ii: The NeuronSection iii: Organization of the Central Nervous SystemSection v: Motor SystemsSection vi: Integrative Systems ..
580,000 تومان
مدل: ST-135
Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and InterventionNancy MatherBarbara J. Wendling2012 فقط فصول 5 تا 10 در منابع کارشناسی ارشد گفتاردرمانی می‌باشد.ContentsOne Understanding DyslexiaTwo A Brief History of DyslexiaThree The Brain and DyslexiaFour Genetics and th..
350,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-43
EVIDENCE-BASED PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR THE PELVIC FLOOR(Third Edition - 2024)Kari Bø - Bary Berghmans -Siv Mørkved - Marijke Van KampenCONTENTS: 1. Overview of Physical Therapy for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 2. Critical Appraisal of Randomized Trials and Systemati..
580,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-219
FASCIA - The Tensional Network of the Human BodyThe science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy2nd Edition - 2022Robert Schleip - Carla Stecco - Mark Driscoll - Peter A. HuijingCONTENTSSECTION I Scientific FoundationsPART 1 Topographical Anato..
480,000 تومان
مدل: PT-233
FASCIA In Sport and MovementSecond Edition - 2021Editors: Robert Schleip and Jan WilkeCONTENTS Highlights of fascial anatomy, morphology and functionSurprising facts about fascial physiology and biochemistry Sex hormonal effects on tendons and ligaments S..
380,000 تومان
نمایش 61 تا 72 از 171 (15 صفحه)