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محصولات موجود در شرایط جستجو

مدل: E-PT-340
 مشاهده و خرید کتاب چاپی:Functional Exercise Prescription  ..
50,000 تومان
مدل: PT-218
Content of" Functional Training Handbook":Contributors Foreword by Mark Verstegen Foreword by Gray Cook Preface Acknowledgements PART 1 Fundamentals1 The Functional Approach 2 The Role of Musculoskeletal Fitness in Injury Prevention in Sport 3 Bridging the Gap From Rehabi..
245,000 تومان
ناشر: F.A.DAVIS مدل: PT-291
Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Imaging 2021 - FIFTH EDITIONLynn N. McKinnis, PT, DPT, OCS:ContentsChapter 1 General Principles of Musculoskeletal ImagingChapter 2 Radiologic Evaluation, Search Patterns, and DiagnosisChapter 3 Radiologic Evaluation of Fracture..
950,000 تومان
ناشر: Wolters Kluwer مدل: PT-58
Hoppenfelds Treatment and Rehabilitation of FracturesSecond Edition - 2022Michael Suk & Daniel S. Horwitz:ContentsIntroduction to Musculoskeletal Measures and InstrumentsTrauma BasicsBone HealingWound Healing and InfectionBiomechanics of Nonoperative and Op..
380,000 تومان
ناشر: Wolters Kluwer مدل: E-PT-58
Hoppenfelds Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fractures E-bookSecond Edition - 2022Michael Suk & Daniel S. Horwitz:ContentsIntroduction to Musculoskeletal Measures and InstrumentsTrauma BasicsBone HealingWound Healing and InfectionBiomechanics of Nonoperative..
45,000 تومان
نمایش 97 تا 108 از 220 (19 صفحه)