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مدل: PT-197
ACUTE CARE HANDBOOK for PHYSICAL THERAPISTSFifth Edition    ____    2020 ____________________________________________________JAIME C. PAZ, PT, DPT, MS Program Director / Professor Physical Therapy Program School of Behavioral and Health Sciences Walsh University No..
480,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: OT-13
Fundamentals of Hand Therapy Clinical Reasoning and Treatment Guidelines  For Common Diagnoses of The Upper Extremity  2020 - Third Edition Edited by: Christine M. wietlisbach  ..
325,000 تومان
مدل: A-11
Handbook of Clinical AudiologyContributorsDedicationForewordPrefaceSECTION I: Basic Tests and ProceduresA Brief Introduction to Clinical Audiology Calibration Puretone EvalutionetcSECTION II: Physiological Principles and MeasuresTympanometry and ..
650,000 تومان
مدل: PT-218
Content of" Functional Training Handbook":Contributors Foreword by Mark Verstegen Foreword by Gray Cook Preface Acknowledgements PART 1 Fundamentals1 The Functional Approach 2 The Role of Musculoskeletal Fitness in Injury Prevention in Sport 3 Bridging the Gap From Rehabi..
245,000 تومان
Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilition -A PRATICAL GUIDE
مدل: OT-12
 : " Content of "Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilition -A PRATICAL GUIDE  PART ONE : Wound Management PART TWO : Never Injuries and Compression PART THREE : Tendon Injuries PART FOUR : Shoulder PART FIVE : Elbow PART SIX : Wrist and Di..
380,000 تومان
مدل: ST-19
The Handbook of Clinical LinguisticsMartin Ball, Michel Perkins, Nicole Miiller, and sara HowardContentsPart I Pragmatics,Discourse, and SociolinguisticsDiscourse Analysis and Communication ImpairmentConversational Implicature and Communication ImpairmentRelevance Theory ..
320,000 تومان
مدل: A-43
Content of "The Oxford Handbook of Auditory Science Hearing": Overview Frequency Selectivity and Masking Loudness and Intensity Coding Pitch Perception Temporal Resolution and Temporal Integration Spatial Hearing Comparative Psychoacoustics ..
250,000 تومان
مدل: A-42
content of "The Oxford Handbook of Auditory Science The Auditory Brain-Volume 2":overview Section 1 Structural and Functional Organiztion of the Auditory Brain Section 2 Information Coding in the Auditory Brain:Sound Identification Section 3 Information Coding in the Aud..
280,000 تومان
مدل: A-41
Content of "The Oxford Handbook of Auditory Science The Ear-Volume 1": Contributors 1 Introduction and Overview 2 The Clinical Cochlea 3 External and Middle Ear Function 4 Otoacoustic Emissions and Evoked Potentials 5 Cochlear Mechanics,Tuning,no..
250,000 تومان
مداخلات بالینی در آسیب های ورزشی
ناشر: انتشارات ستایش هستی مدل: F-PT-126
کتاب مداخلات بالینی در آسیب های ورزشیاین کتاب ترجمه و تدوین از فصل سوم کتاب Routledge Handbook of Sports Therapy, Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation می‌باشد.ترجمه و تدوین: مهشید باباحبیب (فیزیوتراپیست و کارشناس ارشد فیزیولوژی ورزشی) عارف سعیدی (فیزیوتراپیست و دکترای تخصص..
58,000 تومان
نمایش 1 تا 12 از 12 (1 صفحه)