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محصولات موجود در شرایط جستجو

Case Studies in Neurological Rehabilitation
مدل: N-23
Content of " Case Studies in Neurological Rehabilitation ": Preface Part I Clinical Rehabilitation 1 The Rehabilitation Consulation 2 The Rehabilitation Unit Part II Case Studies 3 Medical Issues in Brain Injury Rehabilitation 4 Progressive Neurological Disorders 5 Medical Complications..
60,000 تومان
مدل: ST-142
Neural Control of SpeechFrunk H. Guentherرفرنس دکترا گفتاردرمانی---------------------------------------:ContentsIntroductionNeural Structures Involved in Speech ProductionOverview of Speech Motor ControlThe Targets of SpeechAuditory Feedback Con..
350,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-35
Physical Managment for Neurological Conditions(Fifth Edition - 2024)Sheila Lennon - Gita Ramdharry - Geert Verheyden:CONTENTSSection 1: Background KnowledgeSection 2: Management of Specific ConditionsSection 3: Specific Management  ..
520,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-30
Umphred’s NEUROLOGICAL REHABILITATION Seventh EditionRolando T. Lazaro, PT, PhD, DPT Associate Professor Department of Physical Therapy College of Health and Human Services California State University, Sacramento Sacramento, CaliforniaSandra G. Reina-Guerra, PT, DPT, MS Boar..
580,000 تومان
نمایش 1 تا 5 از 5 (1 صفحه)