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محصولات موجود در شرایط جستجو

مدل: PM-13
Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders  CLINICAL-ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC ULTRASOUND CORRELATIONS, ----------------------------------------- 2021   Fourth Edition​ ----------------------------------David C. Preston, MD Professor of Neurology Case Western Reserve Universi..
690,000 تومان
مدل: PT-57
Modern Neuromuscular TechniquesTHIRD EDITION Leon Chaitow ND Do Osteopathic Practitioner and Honorary Fellow,  University of Westminster, London, UK  with contributions from Judith Delany LMT (Chapter 10: American neuromuscular therapy)  Director of Neu..
275,000 تومان
مدل: PT-110
Content of "Neuromuscular Rehabilitation in Manual and Physical Therapies":Preface 1- Introduction 2- Motor Control 3- Motor Abilities 4- Sensory Abilities 5- Motor Adaptation 6- Plasticity in the Motor System 7- Motor Reorganization in Mu..
165,000 تومان
نمایش 1 تا 3 از 3 (1 صفحه)