سبد خرید

A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping for Injury Prevention and Common Medical Conditions

A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping for Injury Prevention and Common Medical Conditions
A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping for Injury Prevention and Common Medical Conditions
  • موجودی: 1000
  • کد محصول: PT-339
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A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping for Injury Prevention and Common Medical Conditions

2019 - Second Edition

John Gibbons

آماده شدن و ارسال کتابهای لاتین تا دو هفته زمان می‌برد
مشاهده و خرید ایبوک:


Chapter 1 Overview of Kinesiology Taping

Chapter 2 Kinesiology Taping Techniques for the Lower Limbs

Chapter 3 Kinesiology Taping Techniques for the Knee Joint

Chapter 4 Kinesiology Taping Techniques for the Anterior/Posterior Thigh

Chapter 5 Kinesiology Taping Techniques for the Lower Back, Trunk and Pelvis

Chapter 6 Kinesiology Taping for the Upper Back, Neck and Chest

Chapter 7 Kinesiology Taping Techniques for the Upper Limbs

Chapter 8 Kinesiology Taping Techniques for the Forearm, Hand and Wrist

Chapter 9 Kinesiology Taping Techniques to Control Oedema (Swelling)


اطلاعات عمومی
موضوع اصلیphysiotherapy
موضوع فرعیA Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping for Injury Prevention and Common Medical Conditions
ویرایشSecond Edition
مولفJohn Gibbons
نوبت چاپدوم - 2019
شابک 13 رقمی9781913088064
مشخصات فیزیکی کتاب
تعداد صفحات157
نوع جلدشومیز - سلفون
نوع چاپفقط رنگی
وزن کتاب400
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