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Hegde’s PocketGuide to Treatment in Speech-Language Pathology

Hegde’s PocketGuide to Treatment in Speech-Language Pathology
Hegde’s PocketGuide to Treatment in Speech-Language Pathology
Hegde’s PocketGuide to Treatment in Speech-Language Pathology
Hegde’s PocketGuide to Treatment in Speech-Language Pathology
Hegde’s PocketGuide to Treatment in Speech-Language Pathology
650,000 تومان

Hegde’s PocketGuide to Treatment in Speech-Language Pathology

Fourth Edition - 2018

M. N. Hegde, PhD

آماده شدن و ارسال کتابهای لاتین تا دو هفته زمان می‌برد



Apraxia of Speech (AOS) in Adults

Attention Disorders

(Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC

Augmentative Communication—Aided 

Augmentative Communication—Unaided 

Aural Rehabilitation 

(Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD

Cerebral Palsy 

(Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS

Cleft Palate



اطلاعات عمومی
انتشاراتPlural Publishing
موضوع اصلی Speech Therapy
موضوع فرعیTreatment in Speech-Language Pathology
ویرایشFourth Edition
مولفM. N. Hegde, PhD
نوبت چاپ2018
شابک 13 رقمی1944883126
مشخصات فیزیکی کتاب
تعداد صفحات633
قطعرقعی 15*21
وزن کتاب1600 G
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