سبد خرید

(Pediatric Rehabilitation (Principles and Practice

(Pediatric Rehabilitation (Principles and Practice
(Pediatric Rehabilitation (Principles and Practice
  • موجودی: در انبار
  • کد محصول: OT-52
550,000 تومان

(Pediatric Rehabilitation (Principles and Practice

2021 - Sixth Edition



Kevin P. Murphy - Mary A. McMahon - Amy J. Houtrow



  • History and Physical Examination
  • Medical Care of Children With Disabilities
  • Disorders of Communication and Oral Motor Function
  • Psychological Assessment
  • Gait Analysis
  • Hypertonia
  • Guidance Techniques for Chemodenervation
  • Electrodiagnosis
  • Chronic Pain
  • Advocacy
  • Orthotics and Assistive Devices
  • Robotics
  • Adaptive Sports and Recreation
  • ,etc...


About Book

.This most recent edition rep-resents a new turning of the wheel in the progress of pediatric rehabilitation medicine


اطلاعات عمومی
موضوع اصلیRehabilitation
موضوع فرعیPediatric Rehabilitation
مولفKevin P. Murphy - Mary A. McMahon - Amy J. Houtrow
نوبت چاپ2021
شابک 13 رقمی978-0-8261-4706-6
مشخصات فیزیکی کتاب
تعداد صفحات638
نوع جلدشومیز - سلفون
نوع چاپسیاه و سفید
وزن کتاب1600
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