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ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-43
EVIDENCE-BASED PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR THE PELVIC FLOOR(Third Edition - 2024)Kari Bø - Bary Berghmans -Siv Mørkved - Marijke Van KampenCONTENTS: 1. Overview of Physical Therapy for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 2. Critical Appraisal of Randomized Trials and Systemati..
580,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-219
FASCIA - The Tensional Network of the Human BodyThe science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy2nd Edition - 2022Robert Schleip - Carla Stecco - Mark Driscoll - Peter A. HuijingCONTENTSSECTION I Scientific FoundationsPART 1 Topographical Anato..
480,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-340
Functional Exercise PrescriptionSupporting rehabilitation in movement and sport2022Eyal Ledermanمشاهده و خرید ایبوک:Functional Exercise Prescription E-bookCONTENTSCHAPTER 1 About the bookPART 1 Principles of management CHAPTER 2 A functional approach: individualizing..
160,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: ST-88
Motor Speech DisordersSubstrates, Differential Diagnosis, and ManagementJoseph R. Duffy, PhD, BC-ANCDS منبع کارشناسی ارشد گفتاردرمانیPART 1 Substrates Defining, Understanding, and Categorizing Motor Speech DisordersNeurologic Bases of Motor Speech and Its Dis..
350,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-37
Muscle Energy TechniquesSasha Chaitow - Sandy FritzFIFTH EDITION - 2024Contents  Evidence-Informed Muscle Energy Techniques in the Biopsychosocial Framework Muscle Energy Techniques The History and Context of Muscle Energy Technique MET: Efficacy and Resear..
235,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: E-PT-332
NETTER’S ORTHOPAEDIC CLINICAL EXAMINATION E-BOOKAN EVIDENCE- BASED APPROACHJoshua A. Cleland, PT, PhD, FAPTA Shane Koppenhaver, PT, PhD Jonathan Su, PT, DPT, LMT ----------------------------------------------CONTENTS The Reliability and Diagnostic Utility of the Orthopaedic C..
60,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-265
NEUROLOGIC INTERVENTIONS for PHYSICAL THERAP2021 - Fourth Edition--------------------------------------------SUZANNE “TINK” MARTIN, PT, PhDMARY KESSLER, PT, MHS--------------------------------------------TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION 1: Foundations   The Roles of the..
490,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-266
KNEE DISORDERSSurgery, Rehabilitation Clinical Outcomes2017Editor Frank R. Noyes, MD Associate Editor Sue D. Barber-Westin, BS نمونه داخلی کتاب         ►            کلیک کنید  اختلالات زانـــــو..
700,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-4
Orthopedic Physical AssessmentDavid J. Magee - Robert C. Manske   2021 - SEVENTH EDITION---------------------------------------------------------------------:ContentsPrinciples and ConceptsHead and FaceCervical SpineTemporomandibular JointShoulder  ..
770,000 تومان
ناشر: ELSEVIER مدل: PT-35
Physical Managment for Neurological Conditions(Fifth Edition - 2024)Sheila Lennon - Gita Ramdharry - Geert Verheyden:CONTENTSSection 1: Background KnowledgeSection 2: Management of Specific ConditionsSection 3: Specific Management  ..
520,000 تومان
نمایش 25 تا 36 از 46 (4 صفحه)