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Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation

Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
550,000 تومان

Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation

Serving Children and Adults with Hearing Loss


Raymond H. Hull, PhD, CCC-A/SP, FASHA


آماده شدن و ارسال کتابهای لاتین تا دو هفته زمان می‌برد


Part I:  The Nature of Aural Rehabilitation

Part II:  Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation:  Children Who Have Impaired Hearing

Part III:  Aural Rehabilitation:  Adults Who Have Impaired Hearing

Part IV:  Considerations for Older Adults Who Have Impaired Hearing

APPENDICES:  Materials and Scales for Assessment of Communication and Impact of Hearing Loss for Persons with Impaired Hearing



The book that you are reading introduces you to the nature and process of aural reha-bilitation. As an introductory look at the processes involved in this exciting service, it covers a broad range of topics considered to be the most important in preparing future professionals to serve children and adults with impaired hearing. It is a natural out-growth of what previously became a popu-lar text entitled Aural Rehabilitation, writ-ten and edited by this author, that resulted in four successful editions over a span of more than 20 years


اطلاعات عمومی
انتشاراتPlural Publishing
موضوع اصلیAural
موضوع فرعیAural Rehabilitation
مولفRaymond H. Hull, PhD, CCC-A/SP, FASHA
نوبت چاپ2021
شابک 13 رقمی9781635501148
مشخصات فیزیکی کتاب
تعداد صفحات526
نوع جلدشومیز - سلفون
نوع چاپسیاه و سفید
وزن کتاب1500 g
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