Plural Publishing
ناشر: Plural Publishing
مدل: ST-116
Children With Hearing LossDeveloping Listening and Talking2020 - Fourth EditionElizabeth B. Cole - Carol Flexerمشاهده و خرید ایبوک:Children with Hearing Loss E-bookContentsPart I. Audiological and Technological Foundations of Auditory Brain DevelopmentNeurologic..
450,000 تومان
ناشر: Plural Publishing
مدل: ST-129
Hegde’s PocketGuide to Communication Disorders2018 - Second EditionM. N. Hegde, PhDAIDS Dementia Complex (ADC)Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)AphasiaAphasia: Specific TypesApraxiaApraxia of Speech in AdultsAugmentative and AlternativeCommunication (AAC)Auti..
250,000 تومان
ناشر: Plural Publishing
مدل: ST-42
Hegde’s PocketGuide to Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology2018 - Fourth EditionM. N. Hegde, PhDPreface to the Fourth EditionHow the PocketGuide Is OrganizedHow to Use This PocketGuideAbout the AuthorAcknowledgments
260,000 تومان
ناشر: Plural Publishing
مدل: ST-41
Hegde’s PocketGuide to Treatment in Speech-Language PathologyFourth Edition - 2018M. N. Hegde, PhD:contentsAphasiaApraxia of Speech (AOS) in AdultsAttention Disorders(Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AACAugmentative Communication—Aided Augme..
290,000 تومان
ناشر: Plural Publishing
مدل: A-76
Balance Function Assessment and Management 2021 - Third EditionGary P. Jacobson - Neil T. Shepard - Kamran Barin - Robert F. Burkard - Kristen Janky - Devin L. McCaslinمشاهده و خرید ایبوک:Balance Function Assessment and Management E-book:ContentsAn Historic..
750,000 تومان
ناشر: Plural Publishing
مدل: ST-79
Treatment of Voice DisordersRobert Thayer Sataloff, md, dmaجهت مشاهدهی ترجمههای کتاب بر روی عناوین زیر کلیک نمایید:کتاب درمان اختلالات صدا (جلد اول)کتاب درمان اختلالات صدا (جلد دوم)ترجمه کتاب Treatment of Voice Disorders (جزوه آموزشی)&nb..
590,000 تومان
ناشر: Plural Publishing
مدل: ST-115
منبع آزمون کارشناسی ارشد رشته گفتاردرمانیClinical Voice Pathology
Theory and Management
Sixth Edition
Joseph C. Stemple
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385,000 تومان
ناشر: Plural Publishing
مدل: ST-22
Clinical Management of Swallowing DisordersFifth EditionThomas Murry - Ricardo L. Carrau - Karen M.K. ChanContentsChapter 1. Introduction to and Epidemiology of Swallowing DisordersChapter 2. Anatomy and Physiology of the Swallowing MechanismChapter 3. Swallowing D..
350,000 تومان
ناشر: Plural Publishing
مدل: ST-12
Assessment in Speech-Language PathologyA Resource ManualSeventh Edition - 2024Kenneth G. Shipley - Julie G. McAfeeCONTACTS:Part I Preparatory ConsiderationsChapter 1 Foundational Information for Assessment in Speech-Language PathologyChapter 2 Overview of a Compl..
870,000 تومان